Basketball Belly
Here is a little photo shoot David begrudgingly undertook of my quickly growing belly at 31 weeks. When I take pictures I like to have an appropriate background and the lighting to be right and Dave wanted to know why I would want to get so "formal" to take a picture of my tummy. I wanted him to get the right angle so I could remember how big I was with 2 months still left until my due date, hoping I make it until then. I didn't feel like the "normal" pose gave my large belly justice, so I suggested that I lean against a tree. That was too extravagent for him and he made some smart comment about these not being senior pictures with an amused and "oh brother!" look. Of course, his animations cracked me up as usual and I found myself laughing hysterically against the tree as he snapped the picture and declared that the photo shoot was over. (He had better things to do, like read his latest novel!) I liked the picture anyway and decided it gave a nice view of my funny ball-shaped belly! I've now had 5 different people comment that it looks like I've stuck a basketball under my shirt and am walking around claiming I'm pregnant. If I have the guts and the cooperation of my "senior picture shooting photographer/husband", I might post a shot of the inevitable beachball belly that will evolve near the end of August.
I'm officially due August 31st and am very thankful that the Lord has been willing to bring us to this point in this pregnancy. He is my Sustainer! I've continued to have contractions to different degrees and frequencies since my 16th week along with some bleeding. My doctor has officially classified my status as pre-term labor, but hopefully with little activity and lots of sitting this pregnancy will continue to full term. David has been an incredible help and God's vessel for daily blessing to me as he helps with daily tasks and taking care of our 3 children. (And making me laugh now and then!)
Praise the Lord with us for the many ways He's sustained my body and the body of this little one inside me over the course of this pregnancy. When He chooses to bless me in ways I have no right or claim to, I am humbled and amazed at His over-the-top gracious love for me.